

常熟市新阳光金属制品厂(即锦星无纺配件厂)是专业生产纺织设备配件、服装厂桥架生产安装及安装、板金、冷作机械设备制造的一家综合性企业。  本厂不仅设备精良,而且有一支技术精湛、素质高尚的员工队伍,以及良好的行业口碑。在以质量求生存,以诚信求发展的今天,以自己的硬技术、高质量及优服务,赢得了众多客户的信任和青睐。 以诚信为根本,以质量求生存,以速度求效益,以创新求发展,创造卓越品质,立足国内,走向世界.  企业宗旨:一切为了顾客,助人发展,追求优异,在创新中壮大 经营理念:人才为源,科技为先,诚信为本 企业精神:团结奉献,务实高效,崇尚科学,开拓创新 质量方针:预防为主,提高质量,严守合同,服务周到   常熟市新阳光金属制品厂的发展,既是一个艰苦奋斗、与时俱进、不断成长的历程;也是一个与各界广泛合作、共同发展的历程。在这个发展历程中,得到了很多企业和客户的信赖、帮助和支持。在这里,常熟市新阳光金属制品厂向多年来支持我们的客户表示衷心的感谢。 展望未来,前景广阔。常熟市新阳光金属制品厂将抓住新的历史机遇,实施多元化的发展战略,按照建立现代企业制度的要求,加强公司的组织建设、制度建设和思想作风建设,朝着既定目标、继续开拓进取,开创改革、发展、稳定的新局面,建成旗舰企业,同时也期待与更多的企业和个人合作,共谋发展。 The development of Changshu New Sunlight Metal Products Factory is both a hard struggle with the times, the ever-growing process and a wider cooperation and common development course. In the course of the development, we have received a lot of business and customers' trust, help and support. Changshu New Sunlight Metal Productsfactory is grateful for their many years's supporting. Looking ahead, the prospects are bright. Changshu New Sunlight Metal Products Factory will seize new historical opportunities and fulfill a wide range of development strategies, in accordance with the requirements of establishing a modern enterprise systerm, strengthen the company's organizational construction, systerm construction and ideological style building, toward the established targets and continue to forge ahead.This will make Changshu New Sunlight Metal Products Factory be the industry's flagship enterprise. We look forward to cooperating with more businesses and individuals and seek common development.


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传真:86 0512 52588338

